Moon's Air Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Why Isn’t Your Heating System Staying on Long Enough?

Monday, November 28th, 2022
Technician working on a thermostat.

You touch the thermostat and your heater turns on, bringing warm, comforting air throughout your home. You still feel chilly a little while later and check the thermostat. For some reason, your home isn’t at the temperature you set it to, and the heater is off. You try turning it on again, and the same thing happens.

Your heater isn’t staying on long enough to get the job done. It could be one of several problems, so let’s talk through the most common ones and find out whether or not you’ll need heating repair in Haughton, LA.

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Here’s What Helps Keep Your Gas Furnace Running Safely

Monday, November 14th, 2022
Technician repairing a furnace.

Your gas furnace keeps you warm throughout the winter, but it also comes with its share of hazards that you need to be aware of. With proper attention to detail and due diligence, you can keep yourself and your family safe from your gas furnace and its list of prospective problems.

Depending on which issues you identify with your own furnace, you may need Mansfield, LA, HVAC repair to ensure that your furnace is safe to continue using. For now, let’s find out what you can do to keep your gas furnace running safely.

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The Best Way You Can Prevent Furnace Problems This Winter

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

We may not experience bone-chilling winters like more northern states, but Louisiana can still have its share of stormy cold weather in winter. You’ll rely on your home’s heating system during these days, and a faulty heater is the last thing you want to have to deal with.

We know the easiest way to prevent having to call us for furnace repair in Shreveport, LA this coming winter. It’s a basic step we recommend all our customers take: schedule heating maintenance for your furnace. Our technicians will come to your home and give your furnace a full inspection, cleaning, and tune-up to get it set for the winter.

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Winter Will Soon End—Is Your Heater Done As Well?

Monday, March 7th, 2022

With winter winding down, it’s a good time to think about how your heater is holding up. Running for months on end can put a strain on your system, but luckily, there are signs to help you diagnose any potential problems.

As you prepare to switch to air conditioning, now is the perfect time to check in with your HVAC system and see if your heating could use a professional’s care.

These are five signs that you may need to replace your heater. If you recognize any of them, scheduling a service call for heating replacement in Shreveport, LA can help you resolve the issue quickly.

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6 Reasons Your Gas Furnace Isn’t Turning On

Monday, February 21st, 2022

Here’s a frustration you don’t want to run into during the winter: the outdoor temperature has dropped, you’re shivering and so is everyone else in your house, so you set the thermostat to turn the furnace on… and nothing happens. Maybe the blower fan for the HVAC system activates, but the air coming from the vents is at room temperature. Or maybe there’s no air coming from the vents at all.

What has caused your gas furnace to give up? There are several possible reasons. Some you can troubleshoot, others will require that you call us for furnace repair in Bossier City, LA. We’ll look at six potential causes for furnace failure in more detail below.

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Changing the Air Filter for Your Heater: Here’s Why You Need to Keep Up With This Job

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Have you changed the filter for your home’s heater so far this summer? Have you even thought about the filter?

Don’t worry if you answer “no” to either question—plenty of people forget about this routine task. Everyone gets busy, and some basic maintenance jobs can slip through the cracks. We wrote this post specifically to help you remember to change the filter and to keep up with regular changes in the future. It’s a basic part of heating maintenance and can spare you many troubles with your heater later on. 

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The Cracked Heat Exchanger Is a Serious Problem for a Gas Furnace!

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Gas furnaces are designed with safety as a top priority. As long as you schedule regular furnace service in Haughton, LA each year to have your gas furnace inspected and maintained, there’s very little chance that the furnace will develop any hazardous malfunctions. You can enjoy many years of cozy warmth in your home without concern about the safety of the furnace.

However, it pays to know a bit more about the ways a furnace might develop unsafe operation. The most common concern is a cracked heat exchanger, which may occur in an older furnace or one that hasn’t received regular maintenance. We’ll explain this situation in detail below.

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The Best Way You Can Avoid a Malfunctioning Heating System During the Middle of Winter

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Temperatures are swinging back and forth here at the end of the year in Shreveport, making it hard to predict when you’ll need your heating system running or not. You will definitely need it more in the coming months as we enter the middle of winter, and you want to be as certain as you can that the heater will turn on and provide heat when you need it the most.

What can you do to have that certainty?

The answer to that is simple, at least if you have some knowledge of how HVAC systems work: arrange for professional heating maintenance in Shreveport, LA. The sooner you have this done, the more protected your home will be from a broken heater during a cold snap.

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Why Your Heater Isn’t Evenly Warming Your House

Monday, December 13th, 2021

The invention of central heating systems was to ensure that living spaces throughout a house enjoyed an even level of warmth. Maybe a few temperature fluctuations here and there because of windows and insulation and room placement, but in general, central heating is designed to give all the spaces that need a proper level of warmth.

So if you have a central heating system, such as a furnace or heat pump, that is leaving parts of your house too cold (or some parts too hot), there’s something wrong. The solution may be a simple one, or you may need to call our team at Moon’s Air for heating repair in Shreveport, LA. We’ll look at a few possible reasons your central heating isn’t spreading the warmth around evenly.

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Gas vs. Electric: Which Is the Best Type of Furnace?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Furnaces can run from a wide range of fuel types. There are even wood-burning furnaces in use today, although they burn a type of compressed wood pellet that makes them more energy-efficient than old-fashioned furnaces. Other fuel types include oil and liquid propane. However, for most homes, it comes down to two energy choices: a gas-burning furnace or an electric furnace. 

The “gas vs. electric” choice often isn’t difficult. If you live in an all-electric home that doesn’t have access to a natural gas line, a gas furnace is not an option. (On the other hand, an electric furnace isn’t your only option for winter warmth; you can also consider a heat pump, which is a whole other topic.) But there are situations where you may find yourself balanced between gas and electric. Is there a better choice between the two? It depends. We recommend you schedule professional furnace service in Mansfield, LA with our team to help you determine your best heating installation. 

We’ll give you a head start thinking about furnace type below as we list the pros and cons of these two popular furnaces. 

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