Moon's Air Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Maintenance’

The Best Way You Can Prevent Furnace Problems This Winter

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

We may not experience bone-chilling winters like more northern states, but Louisiana can still have its share of stormy cold weather in winter. You’ll rely on your home’s heating system during these days, and a faulty heater is the last thing you want to have to deal with.

We know the easiest way to prevent having to call us for furnace repair in Shreveport, LA this coming winter. It’s a basic step we recommend all our customers take: schedule heating maintenance for your furnace. Our technicians will come to your home and give your furnace a full inspection, cleaning, and tune-up to get it set for the winter.

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Changing the Air Filter for Your Heater: Here’s Why You Need to Keep Up With This Job

Monday, February 7th, 2022

Have you changed the filter for your home’s heater so far this summer? Have you even thought about the filter?

Don’t worry if you answer “no” to either question—plenty of people forget about this routine task. Everyone gets busy, and some basic maintenance jobs can slip through the cracks. We wrote this post specifically to help you remember to change the filter and to keep up with regular changes in the future. It’s a basic part of heating maintenance and can spare you many troubles with your heater later on. 

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The Best Way You Can Avoid a Malfunctioning Heating System During the Middle of Winter

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Temperatures are swinging back and forth here at the end of the year in Shreveport, making it hard to predict when you’ll need your heating system running or not. You will definitely need it more in the coming months as we enter the middle of winter, and you want to be as certain as you can that the heater will turn on and provide heat when you need it the most.

What can you do to have that certainty?

The answer to that is simple, at least if you have some knowledge of how HVAC systems work: arrange for professional heating maintenance in Shreveport, LA. The sooner you have this done, the more protected your home will be from a broken heater during a cold snap.

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Make September Heating Maintenance Month

Monday, September 6th, 2021

The weather outside is still warm, but when the calendar flips over to September, everyone knows it won’t be long before the chill arrives—and then suddenly it’s winter. You may be running your AC on a regular basis, but September is a good time to turn your thoughts to preparing your heating system for cold weather ahead.

September is the ideal month to take the most important step to get your heater in shape: scheduling heating maintenance with HVAC pros. This doesn’t have to be a big burden for you. In fact, we’ve made it as easy and rewarding as possible with our Proactive Savings Agreement. When you sign up, you’ll have quality care for both your heater and AC around the year, plus several great membership benefits. 

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